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I am Bernardka Božič, and I create my literary works under the name Betty B. It's not about hiding my real name; when deciding on a pseudonym, I simply followed my intuition, something I often do in life. Of course, this isn't always the case. When it comes to going to work in the morning, I use common sense.

Professionally, I am an elementary school teacher, and I have been enjoying this work ever since I graduated. For many years, I also worked as a music teacher, choir conductor, and was a member of various ensembles.

So, how did I leave mostly musical waters and sail into the literary harbor? At a certain time in my life, there was a big turning point. I wondered how to move forward. I prayed and trusted that the right door would open in my life. I am not talking about an existential question. I am talking about the creation that fills the soul and makes life meaningful. I felt an inner need to write. Even though the idea seemed completely irrational at the time, I started to write. I found that writing made me happy and that I simply knew what to write and how to write it.

In just over two years, two novels were born. 

The first novel, titled "With You, My Burden is Lighter," was published by the Obzorje publishing house. Some readers read this novel as a suspense crime novel, while others categorize it as a love story. What I wanted to emphasise through the story was the power of faith, love and trust.

My second novel, The Secret of Countess Barbara Bella, was published  (in slovenian language) in 2020 in collaboration with Stella publishing house. In this novel, I combine a love story, a piece of our local history with peasant revolts, Turkish invasions, legends and the life of people in the early 16th century.

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